PVC Glass Clear Transparent Sheets

Transparent gelatine is used in shading constructions such as vertical motorized cassette awnings to cover professional or private spaces from air and rain, dividers for dining, and the construction of Rinto tents. The Soltex films are of excellent quality, meeting all the necessary specifications such as anti-fogging PHR to prevent breaking, yellowing, and fogging over time, protection from UV radiation, and low heavy metals.


Πίνακας Τεχνικών Δεδομένων
General informationVALUE
Thickness0.50mm, 0.75mm, 0.80mm, 1.00mm, etc.
Regular roll length30 M/R
Max Width1.80 M
Regular Width1.37M, 1.07M, 1.80M
Temperature Resistance-25 ℃ / +70 ℃
Flame RetardantNFPA-701, DIN4102-B1 Optional